
At Centralis Group, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and corporate responsibility.

We believe in transparency and the importance of fostering an environment where our employees feel safe and supported in reporting any concerns about misconduct.

We have implemented a dedicated whistleblowing tool to make this process even more straightforward and secure. This tool is directly linked to our website and will provide a confidential and anonymous platform for raising concerns. (https://centralisgroup.integrity.complylog.com/)

We have established a comprehensive whistleblowing policy that outlines the procedures for reporting suspected wrongdoing. We encourage all our employees to familiarise themselves with this policy and use it as a guide when faced with such situations.

GRP1.13 – Whistleblowing Policy – 2023.04.25

Until our dedicated whistleblowing tool is available, any concerns can be directly reported to Andreas Thommen, Chief Risk & Compliance Officer.